Haber, F. (2021). Mental Health Support for International Students – Five Key Steps. Times Higher Education.
Haber, F. & Price, J. (2020). Discover the Potential of Psychological Resilience: Unlock the CHOSE Toolkit. In: Resilience in Uncertain Times. Winter Forum EAIE Member Magazine.
Haber, F. (2019). Wie Universitäten und Hochschulen die Resilienz internationaler Studierender gezielt fördern könnten. Zeitschrift für Beratung und Studium, 14, 3. UniversitätsVerlagWebler, S. 76-81
Haber, F. (2019). Akkulturation und Stressmanagement im Auslandsstudium. In: O. Morgenroth & A. Kindervater. Kultur, Psyche und Gesundheit – Psychologie im Kontext der Globalisierung, Pabst Science Publishers, Lengerich
Haber, F. (2019). The art of the rebound for international students. Times Higher Education.
10.000+ Einzelsitzungen mit 1.000+ Klienten aus 100+ Nationen unterschiedlichster ethnischer, religiöser, soziokultureller Hintergründe, Orientierungen und Identitäten
100+ Vorträge und Workshops zu psychologischen und interkulturellen Themen in 15+ verschiedenen europäischen Ländern
10+ Jahre Trainer für Campus Mental Health an der Academy of the City der European Association for International Education (EAIE)
Vorsitzender der Steuerungsgruppe der Expert Community Guidance and Counselling der EAIE von 2016-2020
Umfassende Ausbildung in psychologischer Psychotherapie mit dem Vertiefungsschwerpunkt Verhaltenstherapie; Deutsche Psychotherapie-Lizenz (HPG), Weiterbildungen in Systemischer Therapie, Schematherapie, MBSR und ACT
Zertifizierungen als interkultureller Coach (Rosinki), Stressmanagement-Trainer (Kaluza) und Ersthelfer für psychische Gesundheit (MHFA)
Erlangung des Diploms in Psychologie äquivalent zum Master of Science von der Universität Bremen
Vorträge, Konferenzbeiträge und Schulungen
Re-thinking body image: what determines your relationship with your body and what others have to do with it. University of Oldenburg. May 19, 2022, Oldenburg, Germany
How Covid has shaped the student experience and how universities are adapting to the “new normal”? Times Higher Education Student Success Forum, September 18, 2020, (virtual)
Mindfulness and acceptance-based interventions are great tools for working with internationals experiencing acculturation stress. 31st Annual EAIE Conference, 24-27 September 2019, Helsinki, Finland
Intercultural competence in nursing and care. Symposium. Education center of the Asklepios Psychiatry Lower-Saxony, October 28, 2019, Göttingen, Germany
Psychological skills that facilitate intercultural adjustment. 30th Annual EAIE Conference, 11-14 September 2018, Geneva, Switzerland
Acculturative stress and emotion regulation – how to emotionally deal with the ambiguity and uncertainty of intercultural encounters. Stenden University of Applied Sciences. February 23, 2018, Leeuwarden, Netherlands
Clash of cultures or celebrated diversity in Europe? Forum German as foreign language, Oles Honchar Dnipro National University, November 13, 2017, Dnipro, Ukraine
The evolution of multiculturalism in counselling and guidance: educating world citizens. 28th Annual EAIE Conference, 13-16 September 2016, Liverpool, UK
Weisheit and Interkulturelle Kompetenz. Fachtag Beratung, Deutsches Studentenwerk, 2. März, 2016, Rostock, Germany
Global Citizen Fishbowl. “One World Week”. Discussion with Roberto Amorosino, the worlbankgroup, and Prof. Arjen Wals, UNESCO Chair of Social Learning and Sustainable Development, March 30, 2015, Wageningen University, Netherlands
Building Bridges Across Cultures. Staff Training Day, October 11, 2014, University Maastricht, Netherlands
A dialogue on intercultural competence for faculty. Symposium, March,19, 2010, Jacobs University Bremen, Germany
Predicting student satisfaction and performance in a highly culturally diverse environment. Crossing Borders: 19th International Congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology (IACCP), 27-31 July 2008, Bremen, Germany