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Prevention, in the context of workplace mental health, involves implementing measures to reduce the risk of employees experiencing stress-related mental health problems. Prevention is superior to intervention both ethically and economically because it focuses on addressing issues before they escalate, thus reducing the suffering and negative impact on individuals and the organization. Ethically, prevention demonstrates a commitment to employee well-being and creates a supportive work culture. Economically, investing in prevention measures is often more cost-effective than dealing with the consequences of untreated mental health issues, such as decreased productivity, increased absenteeism, and higher healthcare costs.


As a speaker, I offer organizations the opportunity to enhance their health campaigns by providing expert talks on a range of topics including mental health, psychological resilience, stress management, intercultural communication, and diversity.

Workshop: Equilibrium – Mastering Stress and Maintaining Inner Balance  

In our private and professional lives, we are exposed to situations that demand a lot from us. Those who manage to remain calm under pressure, embrace uncertainty and to deal with their own psychological resources in a sustainable way, live more contentedly and are more successful in what they do.

My evidence-based stress management workshop is characterized by:

  • Scientifically sound techniques and strategies for managing stress
  • A combination of different stress management techniques such as mindfulness, cognitive-behavioral therapy, and relaxation techniques
  • Information on identifying and changing negative thought patterns, setting realistic goals, and effective time management
  • Interactive activities, group discussions and homework assignments
  • Support for long-term practice of stress management skills and strategies
  • Tailored to the specific needs of the participants, it may also be done in an online format, and may include follow-up sessions and resources.

Corporate Mental Health Training

Tailored to the needs of organizations, who genuinely care about the mental wellbeing of their staff, this “first aid training for the soul” teaches individuals how to identify, understand, and respond to signs of psychological distress and mental illnesses.

The program aims to improve mental health literacy and provide the skills and knowledge needed to help individuals in crisis or experiencing mental health and wellbeing challenges.

The awareness-enhancing and skill-building training typically covers topics such as depression, anxiety, psychosis, and addiction, as well as techniques for providing initial help and connecting individuals with professional services.

This training is suitable for all members of organizations including members of teams, service staff, heads of departments, executives, corporate health officers, works council members, equal opportunity representatives, ombudspersons, etc.

Participants will discuss, learn, and practice skills and attitudes that enable appropriate responses and ways of reaching-out to colleagues, subordinates or help-seekers, who may reach out to you as trusted person:

  • Listening: Letting the other know that you are there to listen and help them. Trying to understand their thoughts and feelings rather than thinking how to respond.
  • Avoiding Judgments: Avoid judging, labelling and overstepping boundaries. Trying to stand by and helping make own decisions.
  • Being informed: Finding out about the mental health issues the affected person is struggling with so you can better help them.
  • Supporting treatment: Supporting someone in seeking professional help and adhering to treatments.
  • Encouraging self-care: Encouraging a distressed other to take care of themselves by taking care of one’s own physical and mental health.